Study Abroad with the Richards College of Business

Why Study Abroad?
Studying abroad will help broaden your career options, add appeal to your resume, and give you the competitive edge you need for today's job market. Adapt to a foreign culture, enhance your communication skills, and learn to conduct business internationally.
Business Study Abroad Options
General Information
Study Abroad Scholarship Opportunities & Applications
Short Term Study Abroad offers the opportunity for a beginning or intermediate traveler and are sponsored by individual Richards College Departments. You will be registered for at least one 3-hour Special Topics in a Business course. As part of the course, you will travel with your professor for approximately one to two weeks. You must have taken 45 credit hours to be eligible to register for Special Topics in Business courses.
Spring 2025
Barcelona Brochure Registration
Peru Brochure Registration
Summer 2025
Italy Brochure Registration
Graduate students have the opportunity to attend short-term bootcamps offered by the Rome Business School. Each bootcamp takes place in a strategically selected city and country that aligns with the bootcamp theme. For example, the Fashion bootcamp takes place in Paris, the Tourism bootcamp takes place in Tuscany, and the Finance and Banking bootcamp takes place in London. Graduate students are joined by their peers and industry experts from around the world for an intense week of study and project work related to the bootcamp theme.
Rome Business School (Italy)- Graduate Bootcamps
Full Semester and Full Year Study Abroad Programs
Full-Semester and full-year programs offer the opportunity to live in another country and become immersed in its culture with other international students. In coordination with your academic advisor, the credits you earn abroad can transfer back to 澳门新普京注册 and keep you on track for graduation. Through partners of the Richards College of Business, you will apply for acceptance to the foreign institution, but conveniently pay tuition to 澳门新普京注册. Housing and meals will be paid in-country to the respective parties.
Richards Semester Abroad Programs
Request More Information On Semester Abroad
Host Institution |
Website Link |
Fact Sheet |
Overview |
Hertfordshire (U.K.) |
ISC Paris (France) |
La Rochelle (France) |
NEOMA Business School (France) |
Munster (Germany) |
Shue Yan University (Hong Kong) |
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I apply?
Once you know the specific program you are interested in, go to the Program Discovery page on the 澳门新普京注册 Office of Education Abroad website and search through offered programs. To apply, click “Apply” and follow the steps to complete the application process.
What happens after I apply?
After submitting an application, a program manager will review your application and either accept/deny it, based on whether you meet the criteria.
If you are applying for a long-term exchange program, you may be asked to visit the office for an in-person discussion to evaluate your readiness for the program.
With either type of program, if you are accepted, you will begin completing the steps necessary before leaving the U.S. (getting a passport/visa if necessary, signing up for health insurance, etc.). You will receive advice on how to prepare for your specific program.
What are the most important things to consider before studying abroad?
There are several important considerations before studying abroad. The most relevant are: location, duration, academics, language, housing, cost, and eligibility.
What types of study abroad programs are offered? Which one is best for me?
Please review the Program Types document to see the full range of programs offered and their profiles.
When trying to decide between program types, it's important to ask yourself these questions:
- Do the study abroad credits apply toward my major, minor, or electives?
- Do I need all coursework to be taught in English?
- Am I proficient enough in a second language to complete coursework not being taught in English?
- How long am I willing to be away from home?
- What is a realistic budget or price limit that I am willing to invest in studying abroad?
- What personal goals do I have for participating in a program?
- For advice on what program types may work best for you, please schedule a meeting with the Program Manager, an OEA adviser, or by emailing
Am I eligible to study abroad?
Eligibility requirements vary by program. Some programs have requirements such as being a specific major or having taken pre-requisite classes, so it is important to check on the program page.
For most 澳门新普京注册 Short term Programs, students must have:
- 2.5 Institutional GPA (some programs will accept a cumulative GPA)
- No active disciplinary record
- Fully admitted to Institution and be at least 18 years of age by the program start date.
- Can begin as early as summer following Freshman year
- For Exchange Programs, students must have the following by the time of application:
- As a minimum, students must be a sophomore by the time of travel and in “good academic standing.” However, the definition of good academic standing varies by 澳门新普京注册 department and foreign institution. Your academic advisor can help you understand the academic requirements for your specific exchange program.
Do I have to speak a foreign language?
Most of the study abroad trips offered do not require fluency in a foreign language. English is widely spoken throughout the world and there are many programs targeting non-English-speaking countries that offer courses in English. However, there are some programs that are designed specifically for language immersion and will require that you have knowledge of a foreign language. In any case, we recommend that you embrace the host-country language by knowing at least the basics of the language, which will certainly be useful and enhance your experience.
How long will I be abroad?
There are many options for program durations. You have the option to study abroad for as little as one week or as long as an academic year.
Will a study abroad trip delay graduating?
With proper planning, a study abroad trip should not affect your graduation date. Generally, students enroll in study abroad courses that apply toward their major, minor, or electives so that they progress academically at the same rate as they would by remaining on campus.
I am a graduate student. Can I study abroad?
Absolutely! 澳门新普京注册 offers both short-term and Bootcamp programs for many majors. Please visit the Study Abroad web page.
How much free time will I have on the program?
It depends on your program. For short-term, faculty-led programs (like those over spring break), you will have less free time than you would in a semester-long exchange program. Consult with your program director about your itinerary and what opportunities you will have to spend as free time.
Who is in charge?
For short-term programs, while abroad, the program director is your first and primary point of contact and is considered "in charge" of your program. For exchange programs, your host university/college administration is in charge.
What will my living/housing situation be like in an exchange program?
It depends on your host university. Some institutions house students in dorms, like 澳门新普京注册, and others offer apartments or flats. Often, the housing is not coordinated through the university directly and students must locate their own housing. However, in these cases, the university can often recommend housing options.
How much will it cost?
Program costs vary depending on the type of program, destination, length of stay, excursions included, classes taken during the program, and more. Keep in mind that most Summer/Short-term programs have a program cost in addition to tuition and fees. Exchange programs do not have an additional program cost. You pay your tuition and fees as though you were still attending 澳门新普京注册, but your classes would be abroad. However, in exchange programs, you typically pay for your housing locally (to the host institution or a private landlord). You also incur the costs of meals. Finally, exchange students are responsible for their own airfare.
Are there scholarships available to help pay for study abroad trips?
There are many scholarships and financial aid benefits that students can take advantage of. You can find more information about specific scholarships on the Office of Education Abroad scholarship website. Additionally, some colleges and programs offer scholarships that are specific to certain majors or student groups.
How do study abroad programs affect scholarships like HOPE or Zell Miller?
For short-term programs, Hope and Zell Miller will not be affected. However, keep in mind that scholarships like HOPE & Zell Miller only cover tuition and fees. They do not cover any "Program Fees" or "Program Costs" that are normally associated with short-term programs. You must either find additional scholarships to cover those costs or pay out of pocket. For exchange programs, there may be a slight delay in receiving the funds. The foreign institution must verify your participation in your classes before HOPE, Zell Miller, and other scholarships are released. This means you will not receive your financial aid until after classes begin and your enrollment is verified. Students will need funds to cover expenses (e.g. airfare, first month’s rent, meals) until they receive their scholarships. Remember that exchange programs with our partner universities do not have a program fee. You pay tuition and fees as though you were attending 澳门新普京注册, and HOPE/Zell Miller will cover your tuition costs based on the number of credit hours you are enrolled in. Again, remember that your study abroad courses must fit within our program of study and be approved by OEA and Financial Aid before receiving any aid.
Can I use my financial aid while abroad?
If your study-abroad courses fit within your program of study, you will still be eligible to receive your financial aid. We recommend that students schedule an appointment with their financial aid counselor as early as one year prior to travel so that they understand how financial aid awards may apply to their specific study abroad tuition and what funds might be available to cover travel costs and living expenses while abroad.
Do I need a passport or visa, and if so, how do I get one?
Every single student that studies abroad needs a passport, but not every student needs a visa. To apply for a passport, you will need to visit the passport page of the U.S. State Department website and follow the steps provided. On the site, you can also identify local Acceptance Facilities where you can submit your passport application and materials. The visa requirements are set by the destination country. You can visit the website of the respective country’s embassy or consulate to find the requirements. In addition, program managers may have insight into visa requirements for short-term programs. Your foreign host institution may have insight into visa requirements for exchange programs.
If airfare is not included, how do I buy a plane ticket?
The easiest way to book a flight is by using a search engine or a third-party travel site to look up flights on specific dates to your host country. Once you have all the details about your destination and dates and have obtained your passport, booking your flight is fairly easy. Determine which airliner you want to use and proceed to select the flight that best fits your trip.
Will I need vaccinations and immunizations?
Some destination countries require specific immunizations before entering the country. Students are responsible for ensuring that they comply with all immunization requirements before departure from the US. The CDC website provides rich information about which immunizations are needed to enter foreign countries. If immunizations are required, students may contact Health Services on campus to see if they are able to provide the required immunizations or help students find a suitable location to receive the immunizations.
What kind of insurance will I be enrolled in?
All students participating in a 澳门新普京注册 study abroad or exchange program are automatically enrolled in the required International Health Insurance Plan through CISI. The CISI International Health Insurance Plan is required by the University System of Georgia and is not able to be waived. The cost of the CISI health insurance is included in the short-term program fees.
I take prescription medication. Can I take it with me abroad?
If you require prescription medications regularly, you should consult with your physician before departing. If possible, bring a supply of medication (in the original containers) to last throughout your time abroad. Keep in mind, however, that many countries have strict drug laws so shipping or even bringing certain medications may not be possible and may lead to legal trouble. Students are responsible for ensuring that their medications are permitted in the foreign country.
Do study abroad program courses count toward graduation?
Yes, as long as the study abroad courses you take fit within your program of study. We recommend that you speak with your advisor to discuss your intended study-abroad courses and make sure they will fit within your program of study.
How many credits can I earn? Short-term programs generally offer 3-6 credit hours depending on the program. Exchange or semester programs will allow you to take 9-18 credit hours. Remember that in most cases, you must be enrolled "full-time" in order to receive your full financial aid package.
How do I know if my credits will fit into my degree program?
Your academic advisor can help you identify which credits you could earn while abroad, and how they would fit in with your degree requirements. You should also meet with an OEA advisor to help you find a program.
Have more questions?
Locate the Program Manager or contact information for the specific program of interest or contact the Office of Education Abroad Office (Mandeville Hall 115,
Student Spotlight

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do”- Mark Twain. This quote is one of the key reasons I decided to pack my bags and study abroad. I wanted to accept the challenge of going to a place where I did not know the language, where food is art, and you can get lost in history. I discovered I love French wine, having a problem while you are traveling make the best stories later, and that by removing yourself from your influences you allow yourself to be confident in knowing who you are and what you want in life. Travel is unique to each person, always teaching you something new, giving you magnificent stories to share, and allowing you to see the beauty of our world." - Ethan Brown

"I studied abroad in London in June with Richards College. I had never been off US soil and I had the time of my life immersing myself in the British culture and experiencing a new way of life on the other side of the world. I found it very enlightening to hear and see the culture of the people who had so much to do with the creation of my own nation. The most enjoyable part of my trip was my visit to the Portobello Market in Notting Hill- I saw some of the most intriguing street market vendors selling things from things from World War gear to mink coats and leather goods. I recommend all students take advantage of studying abroad through the university, there's nothing quite like spending time in a new country with fellow students."- Zeb Ott

At the beginning of our adventure, I had what I consider a stereotypical mindset of the Vietnamese people. I expected the Vietnamese people to be fairly traditional and culturally oriented. But soon after our arrival, my perceptions were challenged and my view expanded.
In Vietnam, I saw generations of families running businesses together and taking care of the elderly. The people of Vietnam have a very kind disposition and they extend that to everyone they meet, but I was unsure how I would be received as an American. Would they accept me into their culture? To my surprise, I was not only accepted, I also felt warmly embraced by everyone I met. I had feared that since I am disabled, I may be looked at differently. But I was wrong.
Not one time was I looked at differently, and I never got asked why I was walking with a cane. They seemed blind to it as I walked around the cities. My fear, as I’m now aware, was unjustified, for the people of Vietnam truly have a respectful mindset for those around them. I felt completely comfortable walking the city streets by myself or in a group. I was also surprised by how many people spoke conversational English and how easy it was to communicate with different people.
I knew from my travels and experiences around the world that I needed to keep an open mind about the local culture and people. That open mindedness, I believe, helped me better understand the Vietnamese culture, as well as help them understand me. There is now no doubt in my heart that one day I will return to Vietnam to immerse myself in their culture and continue to learn about the amazing Vietnamese people.